Welcome June - Love Rise Up


The world is hurting right now in so many different ways and just like so many others, I’m pausing in this moment of acknowledgement. I acknowledge both what I understand, and that which I could never comprehend. But I feel the wounds nonetheless.

The recent months since Covid have had me personally feeling more connected than ever to the world that we were told to shelter ourselves from. The pandemic revealed just how equally HUMAN we all are – regardless of status, race, location, culture or background. I want to move forward with love. We are all one and I believe that love is a constant force… and that it will rise up once again.

I’m feeling horrified and ashamed… but also confused and a little lost about what I can do and where to begin. Do you feel that too? So I’m starting here in the best way I know how – simply to love. This platform stands for humanity and this platform stands for love. My goodness, I wish I could just hug you!

My mission and my MO is to create… and so as we enter June, I have created these two graphics that embody humanity and love – we are one. May the month of June bring us 30 days dedicated to peace, love, unity, healing and wellness. That is my hope and that is my wish.
