Happy Galentine's Day
This year it was easy to get into the Valentine’s Day Spirit early. This amazing Valentine’s Day photoshoot by PS Collective Studio had me super excited to decorate and embrace the occasion. The balloon background by Little Rose Party Company was an instant boost into celebration mode!
But as you’ll read on in this article, this week has knocked me off of my game. With today being Galentine’s Day and tomorrow being V-Day itself, it’s time to pop on those ‘big girl heart panties’ (so-to-speak) and get myself back into the spirit! Luckily, I already have a couple of plans up my sleeve to do just the trick!
Okay, if I’m completely honest – this past week leading up to Valentine’s Day hasn’t been coming up roses for our family. My oldest daughter Kate (13) was in a skateboarding accident last weekend. She broke her knee and tore her ACL. The truth is that it has taken the wind out of my sails (or shall I say balloons?) hehe To top it off, I have also been preoccupied with some large client projects that I have on-the-go, with not much time for dreaming, planning or decorating like I usually would.
Kate is in good spirits – all things considered – and we are now a week into navigating life with her injury. I’ve decided to make a very conscious mindset shift. It’s not too late! I am putting myself back into the celebratory spirit. As a wife and mom, I want to make this a celebration for the family (even though we will of course be cozied up at home). But mostly – I want to do this for myself. I live for ‘things to look forward to’ and reasons to celebrate life… and I don’t want this opportunity to slip through my fingers. It’s not my style!
Super Simple Sweet Treat on IG
I had an idea for a very simple sweet Valentine’s Day treat that I am going to make for the girls. Make sure to tune into my insta stories over at @ilikeherstylevancouver on instagram to check it out. Spoiler alert… it involves strawberries and whipped cream! Like everything I do – it’s super easy, and the ingredients are a bit customizable! (I just love recipes like that!)
If you haven’t subscribed to STYLEBOOK yet… first of all – you need to! Second of all – you’ll have missed the ‘workbook’ section of this issue and I really don’t want anyone to miss it!
This is a banner designed for you to print out and clip! String together the letters to create a banner that reads: TRUE LOVE. There’s more! The version you might have seen in STYLEBOOK was a Valentine's Day Countdown which allowed you to write a love note on the back of each dated flag so that you could celebrate self-love with daily affirmations leading up to V-Day.
I created this secondary version sans dates with powerful affirmations that will help you feel the self-love anytime! Simply print out the letters and string together… hang across a mirror, over a doorway you walk under, on a shelf or even your mantle. Enjoy!
Wherever this article finds you for Valentine’s Day this year – let me remind you that real life is not as picture perfect as this photoshoot! However, it is filled with deliciously sweet moments like the day I spent with Paige, Hayley and Deb creating these pics. Love of all kinds is always around us… and when you need a little help reaching out for those good vibes… there’s always chocolate!
Happy Galentine’s Day my friends!
xo Kyla