Mother Daughter Power


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Mother Daughter Power


Contributed By Kyla Getty, Creative Director

Of all of my many projects, my greatest creative ‘work-on-progress’ is raising my daughters: Kaitlyn (soon-to-be 13), and Kadence (5). If you’re a mom reading this, you will know that being a mom is a passion that fills and consumes every last ounce of you… all at the same time! Both exhausting and exhilarating, and requiring a lot of creativity.

Teaching your children how to navigate their emotions, day-to-day situations, and passing along the tools to create the life they desire is a tall order to ask of one person. And yet, as ‘Mom’ that important honour rests in our hands. When you stop to think about it, that is one hell of a daunting task, considering it’s hard enough to keep that all in check, ourselves!


When was the last time you made the conscious effort to equip your child with a ‘tool’ to build a good life? The daily grind is so fast-paced, we often find ourselves flying from one appointment to the next, fielding issues as they get thrown at us. However, raising our children with a strong understanding of their own power to set and achieve goals in life is absolutely essential. The thought of instilling these ideals into their everyday thought process from a young age is truly exciting.

It is a new age and ‘the power of the thought’ as something that we can harness to create our lives with intention is a relatively new idea, fast becoming accepted by the masses. The modern woman may already be exercising her own ‘power’. She may already be training herself to attract beautiful and wondrous things into her existence. But is the Modern Mama sharing the essence of these messages with her littles?

Luckily, (as we know all-too-well) our little ones are no strangers to demanding what they want out of life! They simply state their wishes and wait with uncompromising expectation for the world to open up and deliver. And while colourful displays at the grocery store may not be ‘socially acceptable’ (please cue Save-On-Foods delivery service), the essence of our children’s unwavering faith in their own power to create is something that the Modern Mama should nurture (and maybe even learn from). After all, we should ALL settle at nothing less than pure unadulterated enjoyment of the sweetness of life and all that it has to offer! 

The Modern Mama has a full plate, but remains aware of the need to take care of herself and continue in the practice of intentionally creating. Bring forth positive experiences into your life and help your children pinpoint their own goals and wishes. Below are some ways that Kadence, Kaitlyn and I nurture our power to create through thought – together.

A Shared Journal.
This is a notebook shared with each daughter that we write in together before bed. Each entry is different. An entry may be: a note of the day’s highlights, what we are grateful for, our goals for the following day… even happy doodles of hearts and flowers. This journal is filled with positive words, good vibes, and is working in both of our favour.

Paint Your Future.
This one is inspired by MY MOM, as she has spoken many times about helping your children paint a picture in their mind about what they want out of their lives. Visualization is powerful! Why not challenge your kids to put brush to paper and literally paint a picture of themselves as an adult and what their life will be like? Mama can be there to help add an extra splash of colour to her little one’s creation – or paint a picture of her own.


Affirmation Rhyme.
When Kaitlyn was little, as a lullaby, I created her very own little verse which we would say together before bed.

It goes like this: “I love my life, I love my house, I love my family… It’s good to be ‘Kaitlyn’, It’s good to be Me.”

When Kadence was born, I adapted the verse for her and have also added a second verse:

“I love my school, I love me friends, I love my teacher and I love my classroom. It’s good to be Kadence, it’s good to be me… happy and healthy.”

Gratitude is the best way to close the chapter of the day. And no, it is not silly for the Modern Mama to say this verse to herself a little later on that evening, as well! This little verse will send powerful messages out to continue the flow of goodness into your house, life and family for the following day.


Good Books.

There are a few really good children’s books that I recommend:
Unstoppable Me: 10 Ways to Soar Through Life – By Wayne Dyer
Incredible You: 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through – By Wayne Dyer
I Think, I Am: Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations – By Louise L. Hay

For the Modern Mama whose evening (after the kids are in bed) will include everything BUT inspirational reading, these books feed the soul of both mom and child… bringing you both back on track together.

Supermoms are just ordinary Moms who understand their own power – That includes Adoptive Mamas, Bonus Mamas, Step-Mamas, Aunties, Grandmas and Mamas who’s hearts gave birth to their children – not their ‘tummies’.

Photography by: Brooklyn D Photography

Heart + SoulKyla Getty