My Journey to Catwalk-Level Confidence in Heels


I was recently asked by my friend Sarah Bohdanova to define what it means to be feminine. Words that I think of are sensual… powerful… poised… and confident. While I’ve always considered myself to be ultra-feminine, when I think about myself rocking these traits – I have to say it’s a little bit intimidating! I’m not alone… the majority of women feel the same way. That is exactly why Sarah created The Femininity Project along with her signature Master Course: How to Walk in Any Pair of Heels.

Sarah has challenged me to take the course and share my journey with you. I’m thrilled to begin! The perfect activity to work away at from home at my convenience, this is a step-by-step, five-module digital program. Each video lesson is packed with tested strategies, exercises and training plans so we can implement at your own pace!

To begin the course, we’ll be choosing the right heels for us. Then we’ll start with the mechanics of ‘Legs & Feet’, moving to ‘Hips’, ‘Posture & Poise’, ‘Types of Walks’, and finishing with styling our ‘Arms’ to create an entire walk that’s confident and beautiful from head to toe!

Now, I’m no stranger to heels. I have shelves lined with them. I LOVE them! But the truth is, I tend to shy away from wearing them. I’ve opted for ‘mom comfort’ over the past few years, which has made me feel a little self-conscious and ‘a lot’ out of practice!

My family and I lived in Fort McMurray between 2010 and 2014. During that time, I put in a lot of miles in my UGG boots! The ice and snow made wearing heels nearly impossible. I remember thinking that if we ever moved back to the Vancouver area, I’d wear heels everywhere. I pictured myself looking chic in skinny jeans and a great pair of heels going to a Canucks game! Now I’ve been back for 6 years and my heel dreams have failed to launch!

Sarah has brought this unique course to life to help me – and so many others – make it happen! She comes from an exciting background in the Ballroom and Latin Dance world. She competed professionally for 12 years, is a World Professional Semi-Finalist, and an award-winning instructor. During her years in the dance world, she became a representative for 2 different designers, and has travelled throughout North America helping design outfits and create style concepts for women. The kicker? She has achieved all of these things while wearing 3 inch heels. Pretty incredible!


Shall we strut?

Wanna take the course together? Know someone who this would make the perfect gift for? I’m sharing a very special code for my friends & readers!

PROMOCODE: Kyla30 - for $30 off!


Q&A with Sarah, the ‘Queen of Heels’ herself!

Sarah, thank you so much for sharing this amazing opportunity with me and our readers! Let’s dig right in. Tell me the story behind launching the course!

Let’s talk states for a minute – as in ‘states of being’. Feeling, and as a result, looking confident and feminine are states. 

Because you can’t be in the same state 100% of the time, you need a trigger, to be able to tap into the one you want quickly. When it comes to feeling confident and beautiful, heels, hands down, have proven to be one of THE most powerful triggers.

There is something so uniquely feminine and sexy about a great pair of heels! But just like with wearing makeup, the degree of success 100% depends on how good you are at it, and the problem is no one ever teaches anyone how to do it! Unless you’ve grown up dancing or modeling, there is truly little out there that gives you the tools and systems needed to master it. So, women just try to piece-meal their way through it. Because of this lack of education, they draw their own conclusions. Either they think they just need to just stumble through it and persevere (blisters and all), or they swear off wearing heels entirely, convincing themselves that their just not the *type* of women who could pull them off. 

Over the last 2 decades, I’ve taught hundreds of women how to do it. Drawing on my extensive knowledge of body mechanics, aesthetics of angles and shapes, and experience with habit building. All the women that I coach had proved that this was a 100% a learnable skill with the right instruction. 

Knowing the impact on a woman’s confidence when she realized she could walk in any pair of heels, on any occasion, without feeling self confident of awkward, total game changer. I took my method and went global! I want any woman, wherever she is in the world, to have access to mastering this skill.  


Q: What can someone expect from the course?

A lot of fun! Seriously.  One of my best skills that I’ve honed over the years is to be able to take something complex and simplify it, delivering it in a fun and easy to follow way. This will be the most comprehensive and fun course you can find!

You’ll be coached from the beginning about EVERYTHING you need to know. A step-by-step guided experience, so you won’t have to piece-meal anything together. I will be walking you through every single step (pun intended). 

We’ll start with the proper mechanics of your legs and feet. Moving on to your posture and poise so you always look polished and confident. Then we’ll add in some hip styling for an oh-so-sexy strut. Next, we’ll style those arms, and ultimately personalize your own style of strut.

Q: What if someone were to say, “I feel hopeless in heels… am I unteachable?”

100% no. That’s a big fat lie, and I’m going to debunk it right here, right now.

I heard it so many times, but I’ve taught women with knee replacements, hip replacements, teens, grandmas, and everything in between. And guess what, they can all rock a pair of heels now. 

You darling, are completely coachable, you just didn’t have the right coach!

You need someone who is both really good at it, and has the ability to breakdown the process for you, to meet you where you are, and understand the vision of where you’re going! 

I’m so happy we found each other!

Q: I already feel confident in heels, is this still for me?

First of all, that’s awesome! Second of all, that depends. Do you want to take your walk next level? Like, Beyonce style?

Would you want to create an even more powerful impression on other people and feel even better?If yes, then its definitely for you! 

Q: How can this improve your life?

Side effects include (but are not limited to) increased confidence, better presentation, and a partner who get caught walking a few feet behind to take in the view. In all seriousness, all of the above is true. My clients have reported massive change in their confidence and presentation. It made a huge impact on their relationships; both personal and professional. Plus, you’re going to have so much fun! 

Q: When do you need to get started?

Right now, seems like a pretty good time! 

There is nothing you need to wait for. Anything that involves the body improves by 3 things: correct instruction, practice, and time. I’ve got the instruction handled. So you, lovely, just need to put in a bit of practice and time. 

Let’s do it together!

Visit for full details…

and don’t forget PROMOCODE: Kyla30 - for $30 off!

Features + FunKyla Getty